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411 University St, Seattle


Champions Academy

This targets individuals and organizations who are interested in enhancing their knowledge of mental health. the academy produces well-trained and experienced mental health champions

The academy targets people in social science, psychology, or other related fields. The major aim is to train and empower the students with knowledge and skills in mental health well-being, sexual and reproductive health, and leadership.

The academy is set to train candidates for one year whereby the first six months are for intense training from experts and the other six months are for volunteer placement by the organization. The volunteer placement is to help the candidate practice what he/she has been trained in about mental health and wellbeing, contributing to the finalization of the course.

Objectives of the academy

  • At the end of the course, we aim to produce a knowledgeable and skilled champion in mental health and well-being.
  • To have a champion who knows their rights to mental health and wellbeing and advocates for the rights of other persons who may be struggling with mental health challenges or those likely to be abused mentally.
  • To have a champion who has been equipped with good leadership skills in that they can influence their immediate communities.

What We Do

We create and build communities of mental health champions by empowering individuals in their immediate communities to fight mental illness stigma.

We create an environment where people live free from mental health stigma and can freely seek health services.